Unleashed Education Blog

How to Straighten Wonky Horizons in Your Pet Photos editing pet photography tips Jun 28, 2021

By Craig Turner-Bullock

I'm going to get right to it and level with you. Nothing spoils an incredible landscape image, whether there is a dog in it...

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Head Swapping Puppies! editing speed edits Apr 27, 2021

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Hands up if you love puppies!

Join me and follow along as I edit this image of Thelma & Louise (I kid you not!)...

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Take a Look Inside the Sparkle Editingā„¢ Course editing Apr 10, 2021

by Craig Turner-Bullock

Over the past 20 years of photographing pets, I have tried, tested and fine-tuned my editing skills to create my own...

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10 Most Common Pet Photography Editing Mistakes (and how to fix them) editing Apr 09, 2020

By Charlotte Reeves

Over many years of reviewing my student's images during private online mentoring and image critiques in the...

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10 Tips for Setting Perfect White Balance editing Mar 11, 2020

By Charlotte Reeves

If you’re like most pet photographers, at some point you’ve struggled with setting the correct white balance of...

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Re-edit ~ Why so blue, Harley? editing Jul 01, 2016

I checked my phone again, still no text message. After waiting all day for an exact address to be texted through from my client's...

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The beauty of RAW backlighting editing Jan 31, 2014

By Charlotte Reeves

As a kid, I loved creating masterpiece paintings that ended up proudly stuck to the fridge. My personal mission was always the...

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Fun with re-editing ~ Part 2 backlighting editing Mar 10, 2013

I've been working on my website this weekend, updating my portfolio to now display bigger images. I'm taking the opportunity to go through and cull...

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Fun with re-editing editing Feb 25, 2013

If you've been a photographer for a while, you'll know that over time, your style evolves and changes. When I picked up my first digital SLR in...

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