Unleashed Education Blog

Craig's Top 10 Photos of 2022 Dec 30, 2022

I thought it would be a fun little challenge to pick out my personal top 10 images I’ve created in the past 12 months and share them with...

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Charlotte's Top 10 Photos of 2022 news Dec 29, 2022

After a very quiet couple of years photography-wise, I felt like this year the floodgates were released. I was finally free to get out and start...

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Editing Toolbox: What Are XMP Files & Why Might They Be Useful? editing toolbox free editing tutorials Dec 23, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

If you use Adobe Camera RAW or similar editing software, you'll probably be familiar with XMP, or 'sidecar' files....

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Editing Toolbox: Using Reference Mode in Lightroom to Perfectly Match Edits editing toolbox free editing tutorials Dec 16, 2022

By Charlotte Reeves

Do you usually copy and paste your Lightroom edits between images to save time? Me too! It works so well. But what happens...

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Editing Toolbox: How To Batch Process Your Christmas Mini Sessions editing toolbox free editing tutorials Dec 09, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

It's that festive time of year and if you love Christmas as much as I do, you're probably doing Christmas mini...

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Editing Toolbox: Awesome Subject Selection with One Setting editing toolbox free editing tutorials Dec 02, 2022

By Charlotte Reeves

Do you ever find yourself wishing that you could click one button in Photoshop and quickly have a very usable, very...

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Editing Toolbox: The Best Way to Use Topaz for Sharpening and Noise Reduction editing toolbox free editing tutorials Nov 25, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Sharpening and noise reduction are part of our everyday workflow as photographers.

I've found that by far the best solution...

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Editing Toolbox: Super Quick Object Selection and Removal in Photoshop editing toolbox free editing tutorials Nov 18, 2022

By Charlotte Reeves

Want to spend more time playing with your dogs, and less time editing photos? I'm all about constantly improving, tweaking, and...

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Editing Toolbox: How to Make Multiple Dogs Eyes Sparkle editing toolbox free editing tutorials Nov 11, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Adding a bit of sparkle to the eyes is a fairly common practice in Pet Photography. But what do you do to images with...

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Editing Toolbox: Unleashing Lightroom 12.0 for Pet Photographers editing toolbox free editing tutorials Nov 04, 2022

By Charlotte Reeves

Every time a big new Adobe update is released, people usually fall into two categories. Those who are terrified of upgrading...

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Why Coloured Powder Shouldnā€™t Be Used in Pet Photography pet photography tips Nov 03, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Coloured Powder is a controversial topic and, like it or not, these highly stylised colourful images are hot stuff in the...

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Embark Awards Winners embark awards unleashed challenges Oct 28, 2022

Today we wrapped up the last 6 months of Embark, the first in our Unleashed Challenge series of courses. The awards ceremony was hosted live on...

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Embark Party Time Top 10 embark top 10 unleashed challenges Oct 25, 2022

It's time to party! Our fun-loving furry friends spent so much of their time engaging in play. Most dogs are always up for a game and capturing...

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Editing Toolbox: How to Balance Shadows with Highlights editing toolbox free editing tutorials Oct 21, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Have you ever found shadows in an image really distracting?

In this video, I'm working on an image I took on the island of...

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Embark Splash! Top 10 embark top 10 unleashed challenges Oct 14, 2022

There's just something about playing in the water that screams fun and our best furry buddies seem to agree.

Whether it be swimming, leaping,...

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Editing Toolbox: How to Rescue a Flared-out Photo editing toolbox free editing tutorials Oct 14, 2022

By Charlotte Reeves

Have you ever tried shooting with backlight and ended up with an image that is "flared-out"? This can happen when direct...

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Editing Toolbox: What's This Weird Fringing and How Can I Fix It? editing toolbox free editing tutorials Oct 07, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Have you ever noticed a weird fringing appear when you edit? It appears on the edges between the foreground and the sky...


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Editing Toolbox: Photoshop Selection Tool Secrets editing toolbox free editing tutorials Sep 30, 2022

By Charlotte Reeves

As a pet photographer, you're probably already using the selection tools in some way when you edit your photos in Photoshop.


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Behind The Shot: Fletcher's Beach Adventure behind the shot Sep 28, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Hey folks, it's Craig here!

This is the first Behind the Shot story, a new occasional series (translation: when Charlotte...

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Embark Glow-Up Top 10 embark top 10 unleashed challenges Sep 27, 2022

Working with natural light, especially on a bright sunny day can be challenging at times. However, the resulting warm and engaging portraits...

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Editing Toolbox: The Worst Way to Fix Colour Casts and How to Do it Properly editing toolbox free editing tutorials Sep 23, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Do you struggle with fixing colour casts on dogs? Have you been so frustrated by them that you just desaturate...

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Editing Toolbox: How to Cull Your Pet Photos Super Fast in Lightroom editing toolbox free editing tutorials Sep 16, 2022

By Charlotte Reeves

A good system for culling in Lightroom is essential if you shoot pet photography in sessions - whether that be of your own dogs...

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Embark Say What? Top 10 embark top 10 unleashed challenges Sep 13, 2022

Dog photos are most successful when they're engaging, when they show the personality of the dog and make you feel like you're right there with them...

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Editing Toolbox: How to Change the Colour of Bright Dog Collars editing toolbox free editing tutorials Sep 09, 2022

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Have you ever found a dog's collar so distracting you felt it spoilt a photo?

It's not uncommon. It's not always the easiest...

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