Unleashed Edit: Poppy's Splashtacular Action Shot

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Photographing dogs in action can result in some super cool images, but can also be random, messy and involve a little bit of luck!

You might also end up with an image where the action is perfect, but other aspects of the image need some extra work, like this shot of Poppy where her mum needs to be removed from the background.

This edit covers the process of removing Poppy’s mum from behind the splash - not an easy one and quite a few steps involved, but the end result is totally worth it!

Instructor: Charlotte Reeves

Video length: 30 minutes

Software: Photoshop-focused

Skill level: Advanced

What you'll learn

  • What to look for when choosing the perfect shot in an action sequence


  • What kind of lighting only needs minimal editing
  • When you should apply lens corrections to an image
  • A sneaky slider for getting more saturation in a natural way


  • Why it’s important to deal with unwanted colours before attempting content-aware adjustments
  • A couple of techniques for altering or removing selected colours
  • Removing the owner from the image using a combination of techniques for different areas of the image
  • Fixing up the splashes using donor parts from other areas of the image
  • How to remove the evidence so you can get off scot-free on a big edit!

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