5 Mistakes Pet Photographers are Making
and How Not to Make Them

By Craig Turner-Bullock

Pet photography is a rapidly expanding market - let me help you stand out from the crowd!

  • Are you struggling to stand out in an ever-growing market place?
  • Do you wish your work was instantly recognisable?
  • What is stopping you from finding your own unique style?

The reality is finding your own personal style can be a lengthy and frustrating process. There is no distinct time frame to achieving a unique style, it takes work and practice. And if you’re anything like me, a few tears and tantrums along the way! But trust me the effort is SO worthwhile and extremely rewarding.

Hi! I am Craig Turner-Bullock, and I'm here to help keep those tears to a minimum, by highlighting the top five mistakes I see pet photographers making, and how to best avoid them. Some are easy fixes, and sometime a little more grit and determination. But I know you have it in you, so let's get started!

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"We shouldn't be afraid to make mistakes: there is a lot to learn from them. But recognising mistakes, and avoiding the ones you don't need to make, will have you standing out from the crowd in record time!"

This is for you if:

  • You’re a pet photographer who is just starting out, or who already has an established business.
  • You're interested in learning from someone with more than two decades of experience in this market.
  • You shoot images for clients, rescue and charities or just shoot for fun with your own pets.
  • You wish you could bring your vision to life in your work and make images that truly have a style.
  • You want to attract adoring fans who value you and your work.
  • You want to book more clients.

In this presentation, you will learn the biggest mistakes I see pet photographers making time and again, and how to ensure you never make them yourself.   

If you're ready to take your pet photography to the next level, avoiding the mistakes that so many others fall into, then this is the presentation for you! Let's do this!

Buy the standalone course now, or join the Unleashed Education Premium Membership for instant access to a wealth of pet photography resources!

5 Mistakes Pet Photographers are Making and How Not to Make Them

One-off payment $29

What's included:

  • A 23-minute video presented by Craig Turner-Bullock, describing the top mistakes he sees pet photographers making, and how they can be avoided

  • A handy printable PDF cheat sheet summarising the information
  • Watch out for the blooper reel at the end of the presentation - for someone who likes their words, sometimes it's tough to get them out 😂
  • Instant lifetime access
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  • Instant access to 5 Mistakes Pet Photographers are Making and How Not to Make Them!
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