$79.00 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

This payment plan is provided on the condition that all payments will be made to complete the payment plan within the 4 month time frame. If payments are not able to be collected, enrolment in Embark will be cancelled, unless alternative arrangements are made. Any applicable cashbacks will be applied to the final payment.

Embark (Unleashed Challenges) Self Paced - Payment Plan

Move beyond the mundane and expand your dog photography horizons with our revolutionary Unleashed Challenges!

Join us for Embark, the Foundation level course in our Unleashed Challenges series.

We guide you step-by-step through each of the twelve individual challenges in the round, with an instructional video, plenty of real-life examples and stories, a downloadable cheat sheet and bonus tips.

Included in Embark is:

  • Lifetime access to high-quality professionally-produced dog photography educational content
  • Participate in 12 shooting challenges at your own pace
  • Cheat Sheet downloads for each challenge
  • Post your challenge images and we'll share them on our social channels
  • Complete at your own pace
  • Completion certificate and badges

We're thrilled that you're learning new pet photography skills and techniques and getting your creativity flowing with Embark!

- Charlotte & Craig 📷 🐶 ✨

What they're saying:

I wanted to learn about shooting in different situations which pushed me out of my (limited) comfort zone and gave me a bigger toolbox. Participating in Embark has not only met my expectations, it has vastly exceeded them!

Julia Carr

Embark was exactly the motivation I needed to try new things and improve my skills! I chose to do all of the challenges with my own dog and I had so much fun shooting and playing with him. Now, I have some photos of him that I absolutely love plus new skills to use in the future!

Blue Amrich